Consider revenue sources such as:
- Training courses and workshops
- Conferences and trade shows
- Networking events and services
- Third party programs (such as insurance deals that give your members a discount and you an income stream)
- Online and hardcopy publications (including magazine advertising, directory listings, etc)
- Consultancy services (including industrial relations advice)
- Sales and marketing assistance
- Merchandise
- Referral fees
- Sponsorship of your events and other activities
- Advertising in your online and hardcopy publications
- Fundraising
- Grants
For example, if you run a conference you can generate income through delegate registrations, trade booths, sponsorship, sales of conference materials to those who didn’t attend, merchandise, sale of publications through a bookshop at the event, etc.
And don't forget to market your income producing products and services to non-members. It's a great way to get them engaged with your organisation with a view to becoming members. Of course, for any product or services being offered to non-members they should always be charged at a higher rate so they offer another opportunity to generate the surplus that enables you to deliver even higher levels of service!
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